History Cilacap

History Cilacap
1. Kingdom era of Java
Tracing the history of Javanese royal era begins from the time of the Hindu Mataram kingdom until the kingdom of Surakarta. At the end of the Majapahit Kingdom era (1294-1478) forerunner of the area of ​​Cilacap is divided into regions of the Majapahit Empire, and the Kingdom of Sand Luhur Duke Pakuan Pajajaran, whose territory stretches from east to west:- Areas Ki Ki Gede father and Ageng Donan region under the rule of the kingdom of Majapahit.- The territory of the Kingdom and the region reclaiming Duke Sand Luhur- The Royal Pakuan Pajajaran.
According to Husein Djayadiningrat, Padjadjaran Pakuan Hindu kingdom after being attacked by Islamic work Banten and Cirebon fell in 1579, so the eastern part Pakuan Padjadjaran kingdom handed over to the Kingdom of Cirebon. Therefore the whole area of ​​Cilacap forerunner to the east under the rule of Muslim kingdom west Shelf and handed over to the Kingdom of Cirebon.
Display kingdom replaced with the Islamic Mataram kingdom established by Panembahan Senopatipada years 1587-1755, the forerunner to the Cilacap area which was originally under the control of the Islamic kingdom of Mataram Kingdom Pajang submitted to.
In 1595 to expand the kingdom of Mataram held Galuh District residing in the Kingdom of Cirebon.
According to the diary of the Dutch VOC in Batavia Castle, dated February 21, 1682 received a letter containing a translation of the Citarum road trip, north Karachi to Bagelen. The names of the regions through which the embryo is Dayeuhluhur Cilacap and Limbangan.
2. Dutch colonization era
Onder formation Cambodgien Cilacap (two months after Resident Launy duty) by the Governor-General D.De Besluit Erens dated July 17, 1839 No. 1, decided:"For the benefit of the implementation of the regional government in southern neater Banyumas and Cilacap port development increase, the proposal pending the organization of the southern districts that will be a part of, one of three Assistant Resident in this residency will be based in Cilacap".
Because South Banyumas considered too broad to be maintained by the Regent and Regent Banyumas Purwokerto then with Besluit dated June 27, 1841 No. 10 stipulated: "Patenschap" Dayeuhluhur separated from Banyumas and used as a separate department with the department capital Cilacap Cilacap, which became the the position of Chief Resident Assistant Bestuur Europe and Head of Indigenous Bestuur Onder Rangga or Regent. Thus the Government Natives called Onder Regentschap par with Patih Regional Head Dayeuhluhur.
However the establishment of department fulfill Purwokerto and Banyumas Regent who had long wanted to reduce the area of ​​power each with Patenschap Dayeuhluhur and Adiraja District.
The district boundaries are shared Adiraja pattenschap Dayeuhluhur form Onder Regentschap Cilacap, Banyumas resident according De Sturier plan dated March 31, 1831 are as follows:From the upstream to the mouth of the River Serayu towards the midpoint of the height of Mount Prenteng. From there to the top, down to the southeast mountains Kendeng, to the summit of Mount Gumelem (Igir mourn). from there to the south following the residency of Banyumas district boundary to the sea. From there to the west along the coast to the mouth of the River Serayu.
From Adiraja District boundaries can be seen that the District Adiraja as the precursor of the former Kawedanan Kroja greater than the former Kawedanan Kroja, since that time there has been Kalireja District, which formed part of the sub-district and the district Adiraja Banyumas. So that the total area of ​​Cilacap Regentschap Onder still larger than the wider Cilacap now.
Resident Banyumas during the 9th Van de Moore proposed Dutch government on October 3, 1855 signed by the Governor-General Duijmaer Van Tuist, to the Colonial Secretary in the Cabinet Sreserpt Royal Netherlands on December 29, 1855 No. 86, and a confidential letter dated Colonial Minister January 5, 1856 No. 7 / A was delivered to the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies.
Cilacap formation proposal by the Colonial Secretary for approval which means two Cilacap formation and organization of indigenous and expenditure budgets bestir over F.5.220 per year which both require the approval of the King of the Netherlands, after receiving confidential letter of Colonial Secretary to the Government of the Dutch Indies Governor General dated Besluit March 21, 1856 No. 21 among others, sets Onder Regentschap increased to Regentschap Cilacap (Cilacap).
Name list of Cilacap Regent:

1. R. Werdana Tjakra Hero II (1858-1873)

2. R. Werdana Tjakra Hero III (1873-1875)

3. R. Werdana Tjakra Hero IV (1875-1881)

4. R.M Tjakrawerdaya Duke (1882-1927)

5. Duke R.M Arya Tjakra Sewaya (1927-1950)

6. Raden Mas Soetedjo (1950-1952)

7. R. Witono (1952-1954)

8. Raden Mas Kodri (1954-1958)

9. D.A Santoso (1958-1965)
10. Hadi Atopic Dermatitis (1965-1968)
11. HS. Kartabrata (1968-1974)
12. H. RYK. Moekmin (1974-1979)
13. Poedjono Pranyoto (1979-1987)
14. H. Supardi Mohamad (1987-1997)
15. H. Herry Tabri Karta, SH (1997-2002)
16. H. Probo Yulastoro, S. Sos, MM, M.Si (2002-2009)
17. H. Pamuji Suwarto Tatto (2011-present).Department of Transportation, Communication and Inf
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